Escape the Infinite Chambers (EIC)

From NovelUpdates/Taida Translations:

One day, Luo Jian woke up from his sleep and found himself in a locked chamber where the door and window were all sealed. A note with a few lines written on it was tacked to the wall: “Escape from this room within an hour, otherwise, you will die.”

There is a sequel called Reincarnation Night (轮回之夜) that takes place in the same universe but has different main characters

Author: 紫界 (Zi Jie)

Translation in other languages:

  • Bahasa Indonesia (Translated by Reo/Megu): Click here

Chapter 1~36:

Translated by Taida Translations

Chapter 37 onwards: 

Chapter 37: Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake <1>

Chapter 38: Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake <2>

Chapter 39: Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake <3>

Chapter 40: Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake <4>

Chapter 41: Flowers In The River And The Moon’s Reflection In The Lake <5>

More to come...


  1. Hello.
    How are you?

    My name is Amy Carvajal, I'm a translator of novels with the respective rights of translators from English to Spanish.

    I was wondering if I could continue translating the novel called Escape The Infinite Chamber from Zǐ Jiè into Spanish.
    Previously I had (I have) the right to Taida Translations for the translation, but as I saw that they changed I was wondering if you would give me permission to continue translating this Novel already mentioned.

    I will look forward to your answer, you can do it this way.


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